Bethel Kingdom City Church Podcast

Bethel Kingdom City Church (BKCC), is a Pentecostal church in the heart of Calgary with a vision “To groom the true worshippers who will worship God in Spirit and in truth.

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Monday Aug 02, 2021

Hatred means a dislike or ill will. Hatred is synonymous to resentment, bitterness, enmity, repugnance, antagonism, disapproval, ignominy, displeasure, ill feeling, intense dislike or repulsion. Rejection on the other hand means the dismissing or refusing a proposal or idea. Rejection is synonymous to refusal, nonacceptance, dismissal, declining, turndown, repudiation or renunciation.

Monday Aug 02, 2021

An appraisal is a formal opportunity to analyse your performance at work, which also offers you a chance to talk to your employer about your career plans. Appraisal can be used to evaluate pay increases and bonuses. Other words for appraisal include assessment, evaluation, estimation, judgment, rating or gauging.

Monday Aug 02, 2021

A name is a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to. God pays attention to names in the Scripture and we also need to pay attention to the power of a name. When God created Adam, he gave him the power to name all the animals. It was also Adam that named his wife Eve according to Genesis 3:20

Sunday Aug 01, 2021

Thoughts and words are interrelated, because your words are the product of your thoughts. Luke 6:45 (Contemporary English Version) says “ ...Your words shows what is in your heart” You and your words are inseparable, because the words that come out of your mouth describes the kind of person you are.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021

What is a thought? A thought is an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. A thought is the action or process of thinking. God is interested in our thoughts and the Word of God says in Psalm 139:2 that God perceives our thoughts from afar. Your salvation does not only depend on your confessions but it also depends on your belief

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